
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

climb on

we were actually able to spend a little time outside during the labor day weekend.  we went rock climbing at mcconnell's mill while tannon's parents were in town.  even though the rock was pretty wet - and i didn't make it up very far - we still had a great time romping around in the forest.



caitlin and brinton said...

Oh my gosh - you look fantastic! I can only dream I'll look that good after being pregnant. Cute picture of Susan. You guys are cool parents - lucky for Len.

wendyberd said...

um....are you sure you had a baby? i don't think i left the house for 3 months after i did. and what are you doing climbing a rock!??!?

Caleb and Marci said...

oh mccall- you look beautiful outside with that baby. miss you.

Kelley & Manny said...

I can't believe you went rock climbing so soon! You are my hero!

CHELSEY said...

I remember years ago we were talking about you having babies. You said something about, "what will I do if we wanna go rock climing". I think we decided you take baby and put him in a stroller or play pin. Anyway seeing these pics is sort of an 'idea' come true. Y'all are the cutest and funnest family. Yes that's a word

denise said...

That last picture with Tannon's grandma(?)is so sweet. Love it.

And I can't believe you're rock-climbing already either! How sad is it to admit that I just started exercising again last week? Grant is 3 months old now and I'm not even the one who gave birth to him. Ha!

denise said...

Oops. I totally meant Lennon's grandma. Ack! I hope she doesn't see my comment.